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DIY-  Your own jinn-in-a-bottle

Even though we'd all like three wishes, we'd advise against finding a jinn in a bottle, for reasons that become apparent in  Dealing With Dragons. However, there is a quick and easy way to put off your enemies (or little siblings) by pretending your treasure jar is, in fact, occupied by a bloodthirsty jinn. 

You'll need:

1 jar

1 piece of paper (preferably yellowed)

1 pen or marker

Glue or tape. 

Take the piece of paper, and write "WARNING: This jar contains a jinn who will kill you if you come too soon. Do not open until at least one hundred and five years after the date when the Citadel of the Yellow Giant was destroyed."

*For your own safety, please check that the jar you have assigned for this purpose doesn't already contain such a warning, and we would avoid the jars with lead stoppers as well. 

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